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How to Do Email Marketing in 2023

A Comprehensive Plan: How to Do Email Marketing in 2023?

Discover ‘How to Do Email Marketing in 2023’ and harness the potential of this great way to grow your brand. Learn why a dynamic email marketing strategy is essential in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Unveil the secrets behind a staggering $42 return on investment for every dollar spent in email marketing, and explore the mind-blowing opportunity to make $36 for each dollar invested.

How to Do Email Marketing in 2023
A Comprehensive Plan: How to Do Email Marketing in 2023? 10

Do you want to stand out from the crowd of result-oriented interactive emails? 

You’ll require an up-to-date plan of action. In this blog, we’ll explain how to use email marketing trends in 2023. This guide will assist you in starting your upcoming campaign. 

But first, we’ll discover what email marketing is and how it functions.

Email marketing: What is it? 

Email marketing is the practice of delivering promotional emails to a large audience to inform, educate, or influence readers to behave in a certain way. Email marketing is the most efficient, scalable, cost-effective digital marketing tactic. Email newsletters, sales promotions, transactional emails, and corporate announcements are all used in this digital marketing approach. 

Email marketing What is it
A Comprehensive Plan: How to Do Email Marketing in 2023? 11

What is the procedure for email marketing? 

Top-performing digital marketing tactics include email marketing, which is also easily automated and relatively simple to implement. A Hubspot study found that 78% of marketers have noticed increased email interaction over the previous 12 months. According to a different Statista estimate, 4.4 billion people will use email globally by 2023. As a result, email marketing will still be a crucial medium for companies to connect with their customers.

What is the procedure for email marketing
A Comprehensive Plan: How to Do Email Marketing in 2023? 12

Let’s find out how it works:

An Email List:

You need an email list before you can launch your email marketing campaigns. Your email list is a collection of email addresses from people who have consented to hear from you about marketing campaigns. You must also ensure that your email list is active (engaged) to send effective email marketing campaigns.

An Email Service Provider:

Now, employ an ESP. You may use it to create automatic email marketing campaigns. An email marketing service is sometimes called an email service provider (ESP). You can control your email list using this platform. It enables you to divide your audience into distinct groups and create highly relevant messages for each group. By personalizing practically all interactions, it is possible to increase customer engagement and conversion rates.

Focus on a Specific Goal:

A precisely stated company goal is the crucial element of email marketing functionality. With it, you can avoid having your audience overlook marketing messaging. You can be sure you’re on the correct route to success by clearly defining your objectives before creating your email marketing campaigns.

Tips to Do Email Marketing in 2023:

Let’s examine the best tips for enhancing and optimizing your email marketing efforts. 

Tips to Do Email Marketing in 2023
A Comprehensive Plan: How to Do Email Marketing in 2023? 13

Employ a platform that is successful for email marketing

When starting an email campaign, forget about using traditional email providers like Gmail and Outlook. You will require an email marketing platform to manage a small number of emails and subscribers. 

ConvertKit, Mailchimp, and Moosend are examples of platforms that are created to be all-in-one solutions. They provide marketers with everything they need to manage an email campaign. With the help of these tools, you can organize and save your contacts, keep tabs on essential statistics like email openings and bounce rates, and try out many iterations of the same email to ensure you’re sending the most successful one. Many email marketing solutions are available, but depending on your objectives and spending capacity, you could want a more specific kind of software. 

Utilise attractive offerings to create email lists

Building a solid, healthy email list is the first step in operating a successful email campaign. Purchasing a list is never a wise idea since sending bulk messages to people will cause more harm than benefit. It will undermine the brand’s reputation and IP reputation by producing poor open rates, leading to future emails being labeled as spam.

Keep your emails contextual to make them more relevant to your users. Also, encourage them to open them if you want to stand out from the crowd. 

To enable contextualization, you must categorize your users into several categories depending on their activities and customer behavior. You can execute AI-based predictive segmentation with MoEngage and divide your consumers into categories like “Price sensitive,” “Needs Attention,” etc.

Create a strong email list by engaging your audience with creative campaigns and offers like gift cards, encouraging them to give you their email address. Another option is to turn the process of getting emails into a game by using a wheel of fortune or fortunate draw.

Schedule the timing of your marketing emails

Use your email platform’s scheduled send option and remember time zones; an email sent at 2 a.m. is nearly always unviewed. There are many divergent views on the ideal day and time to send marketing emails, and various experiments frequently provide varied results. Generally speaking, experts advise sending emails throughout the workweek (Tuesday through Thursday). However, different target groups will have other preferences. Testing several times and evaluating results is the most excellent email marketing strategy to determine the optimal time to send emails. 

Personalize the copy of your email

Use customization in your emails to increase engagement as well as open rates. This may be as easy as calling somebody on their birthday or mentioning the recipient’s first name in the email subject line.  

Remember to send your email to a person, not a company. Add the recipient’s name to the “from” column. This guarantees the receiver will recognize a name in their inbox. Ensure The process of automation, which is helpful for personalization. These emails are delivered in response to how customers use your goods or services.

Comply with the CAN-SPAM Act:

If you breach the CAN-SPAM Act’s requirements, your domain name may be blocked, which means you can no longer send emails from your domain. Pay attention to general data protection regulation. The following guidelines for companies are contained in the CAN-SPAM Act compliance guide that the Federal Trade Commission created:

  • Avoid using misleading or inaccurate header information.
  • Stay away from false subject lines.
  • Indicate to recipients where you are.
  • Describe to recipients how to unsubscribe from future emails.
  • Quickly implement opt-out requests.
  • Keep an eye on what other people are doing on your behalf.

Keeping Promotional and Informative Content in Check

When sending promotional emails, balance is critical. While sending out sales-oriented emails might increase revenue, providing your subscribers with helpful information is crucial. Combining your advertising material with advice, breaking news or other pertinent information entails.

Craft Subject Lines That Catch People’s Attention

A solid & catchy subject line for your email must be considered. When subscribers get your email, the subject line is the first thing they see. If the subject line is compelling, your subscribers will likely open and interact with your email more. Avoid click-bait headlines that disappoint your followers by choosing precise, simple wording.

  • Make sure your subject line is personalized. Use a name or a topic that will resonate, such as a previous purchase or an ebook download, in the subject line.
  • Humor may also be a great addition. An email that makes recipients smile or sparks their interest is more likely to be opened. Use humor freely, but be sure your audience will find it funny. 
  • Emojis are widely utilized, so use them to emphasize important points or make your message more relatable.
  • Avoid using cliched or weak words.
  • Include phrases that inspire or compel action wherever possible. 
  • Don’t just pick a headline because it succeeded the previous time; your subject line should accurately reflect the main point of the email. Make it applicable. 
  • Use the fear of missing out on your email to your advantage. 

Audit and purify your email lists

You should already be aware of the implementation of Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) and the end of third-party cookies on Google in 2024. Because of this, it is now even more crucial to be careful about collecting and utilizing customer data to secure client information. 

Email is a prime example of that crucial first-party data source that contains only consented information. Therefore, you should take precautions to safeguard it. It’s essential to look over and clean up your database. Verify that you have authorization to use every email address on your lists. A person who unsubscribed should be removed from any current lists.

If you have a database of inactive email subscribers, attempt to reconnect with them by contacting them and offering to delete them if required. After all, having a smaller database of motivated prospects is preferable to having many unmotivated individuals.

Use AI email marketing strategies

While AI might be scary to conventional marketers, it can also be a helpful tool that helps senders and leads to more success. Don’t worry; AI won’t replace email marketers, but adjusting to it and learning from its potential will help professionals stand out from others who cannot accept it.

Email marketing has been more successful and efficient with artificial intelligence (AI) development. The worldwide market for artificial intelligence in marketing generates 27.4 billion dollars. AI-powered email marketing systems use intelligent algorithms and machine learning skills to offer personalized and targeted email messages at scale. 

The launch of ChatGPT and other AI-powered tools has the internet buzzing, and according to data from Omdia, the AI market will grow by 38% in 2023 alone.

Best AI email marketing tools: 

Show by Animaker

Leading AI email marketing platform Show by Animaker enables companies to send customized emails at scale. The show allows advertisers to develop personalized and compelling email campaigns with the help of its cutting-edge algorithms and machine-learning capabilities. To simplify email marketing operations, the platform provides user-friendly drag-and-drop builders, editable templates, and automated transactional email processes.


A popular marketing automation software called HubSpot has AI built into its email marketing solutions. Businesses can develop and deliver highly targeted and customized email campaigns with HubSpot’s AI-powered email services. The platform uses AI to categorize audiences, analyze consumer behavior, and improve user-generated content. Marketers can improve campaign outcomes with HubSpot by automating email operations, tracking success with in-depth analytics, and more.


To improve its services, MailChimp has used AI. MailChimp allows companies to build highly personalized and timely email campaigns with AI-driven capabilities like product suggestions and send time optimization. The platform is a popular option for companies of all sizes because of its sophisticated automation features, user-friendly design, and robust analytics.

Email marketing tactics should be combined with other media.

The distinctions between the real and digital worlds are becoming less distinct, and they are becoming one. Going ‘Phygital,’ or fusing analog and digital communication methods, is crucial to staying current. 

For firms to remain relevant to consumers and keep up with those who switch channels, omnichannel marketing is essential. You must have a strong brand presence across various platforms, including push, SMS, in-app, email, social media, and more.

We are maximizing the effectiveness of each marketing channel while providing a smooth customer experience for customers switching between communication channels. 

In omnichannel, email has a significant function to play. An email has the benefit of being adaptable, simple to customize, simple to test, and capable of revealing consumer preferences and behavior. 

Email may increase engagement and foster client loyalty with other channels like social media, sponsored search, or search marketing. Make sure the consumer loves your messaging on each track by treating each one differently.

Set up opt-ins:

A reader or customer must “opt-in” to receive your email newsletter. They can do this by clicking a sign-up button, checking a box on a form, or confirming their interest in receiving emails from you when downloading your app or using your service.

When someone joins up via a “double opt-in,” they are sent an email asking them to reaffirm their desire to sign up. Only once subscribers click the link in that confirmation email will they receive your emails. 

This email is crucial since it confirms that they wish to register using that email address and because it can assist you in avoiding getting in trouble for sending spam. 

Create automatic signup tags.

Most email marketing systems allow customers to automatically group and tag contacts as they arrive from various opt-in channels and when a subscriber takes a specific action. 

For instance, contacts who tick a box at checkout to opt in may be labeled “customers,” and subscribers who click on a product link within an email might be labeled “prospects.” This will enable you to customize each email without manually searching through contacts and cater to each subscriber’s unique demands and interests.

You want to make it as simple as possible for someone to follow your email’s link once they click it. 

Keep a visitor or consumer from disappearing within your website. Ensure the development of relevant and unique landing pages due to the email content. 

Include social media accounts so customers can quickly locate your company online. To guarantee that the content is updated and that you are responsive. Only include the platforms where you are active. 

Have an appealing user interface and user experience

You must ensure a smooth experience across your channels for a prospect or customer. Therefore, while including links in your emails, you must consider your user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). 

To put it another way, if a product is discounted by 20%, the following touchpoint should be a page that provides an overview or description of it together with a straightforward CTA to enable purchase. 

The design and colors should also be identical to avoid misunderstanding when users click through. Important is consistency. Optimize for mobile to ensure that every touchpoint is responsive and usable on mobile devices. 

Make your emails mobile-friendly

Emails must be optimized for mobile devices because 42% to 60% of email campaigns are opened on mobile devices, according to data from SparkPost. When reading automated emails on smartphones instead of desktop computers, your receivers frequently scroll fast and occasionally pay less attention than they would if they were reading them on a computer screen.

On desktop displays, emails frequently appear differently than on mobile devices. You may preview your email on a desktop computer, a mobile device, or in your inbox using some email applications. Using this functionality, you won’t need to go between devices to preview your personalized emails.

Here are a few tips to follow for mobile optimization;

  • Start your subject line with your most vital content to ensure readers don’t miss it. (An email client may partially omit the subject line.)
  • Limit subject lines to 30 characters or less.
  • Include preheader content to inform readers of the email’s subject and persuade them to open it.
  • Use a font size of at least 12 points so readers won’t need to zoom in on their little displays to read your material.
  • Use large photos, but don’t rely on them; some mobile devices can need help loading them.
  • To avoid being missed, place your calls to action at the top (before readers scroll).
  • Test your emails on different sorts of screens.

Update your email list frequently.

You must continue to update your email list after you’ve built one. Despite this being among the most established email marketing best practices, many marketers let their lists stale. By not updating your email marketing lists, you run the following risks:

  • Having high email bounce rates (which prevents your readers from seeing your material).
  • Having your email program label you as a spammer might result in a lifetime ban from sending emails from your domain.
  • Sending readers stuff that no longer piques their interest.
  • Save copies of your most recent lists of unsubscribers.
  • For new campaigns, use updated email communications lists sparingly. Send the recent campaigns to subscribers who signed up over the last several months. Wait to send them an email campaign today, for instance, if you obtained a list of conference participants two years ago.
  • Run marketing initiatives to attract new email subscribers continually.
  • Unsubscribe inactive subscribers who last opened your emails in the last 12 months.

Analyze the outcomes and modify the campaigns as necessary.

To boost customer engagement, your task is not over after you send emails. To understand what worked well and where you can improve, it’s often a good idea to wait around a week (to allow subscribers time to view your emails).  Stay up to date with the latest trends.

Use a smart approach to deal with unsubscribes

Considering how difficult it is to build an email list, increasing unsubscribe rates might be demoralizing. Nevertheless, providing an opt-out option for your email subscribers is crucial. Making the procedure challenging hurts the brand and consumer perception. By allowing disinterested consumers to opt-out, you can maintain a healthy email list that requires less maintenance.

Last words; 

The email has become a part of our everyday internet activities. In particular, Statista predicts that by 2024, there will be 4.48 billion email subscribers worldwide! It’s time to start using email marketing if you have been avoiding it.You need a fantastic email personalization marketing platform to enable you and email marketing to become best friends. Get excellent outcomes by using all of the listed strategies. Syed Digital is always there for advice on your email marketing campaign. Get result-driven email marketing services by getting in touch with us.